Bihar Board 10th Compartment Exam Dates Announced

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has published the exam dates for Class 10th, announcing that the exams will take place from May 10 to 13, 2023. The BSEB Compartment Exams 2023 will be held in both morning and evening shifts.

For candidates who have failed one or two subjects, the Bihar Board 10th Compartment Exam Date 2023 has been released. The first shift will start at 9.30 am, while the second shift will commence at 2.00 pm. It is essential for candidates to adhere to the exam protocols while appearing for the exam.
Bihar Board Official Tweet

Bihar Board 10th Compartment Exam Dates 2023
The complete timetable for the Bihar Board 10th Compartment Exam Dates 2023 has been released by the authorities on their official Twitter handle. Candidates can refer to the following dates for the examination:
Date | First Shift | Second Shift |
May 5, | Mother Tongue (101-Hindi, 102-Bengali,103 - Urdu and 104- Maithili) (9:30 AM to 12: 45 PM) | Second Indian language (105- Sanskrit, 106-Hindi, 107- Arabic, 108- Persian , and 109- Bhojpuri) (2 PM to 5: 15 PM) |
May 11, | 112-Science, 125- Music (only for visually impaired candidates) (9:30 AM to 12:15 PM) | 111- Social Science (2 PM to 4: 45PM) |
May 12, | 110-Mathematics, 126- Home Science (only for visually impaired candidates) (9:30 AM to 12:45 PM) | 113- English General ( 2 PM to 5: 15 PM) |
Furthermore, the practical examination for candidates with visual impairments is scheduled to be held from May 6 to May 8, 2023, specifically for subjects such as home science, music, dance, fine arts, and music. It is required that all paperwork related to internal assessments, literacy exercises, and practical exams be submitted to the district education officer's office no later than May 9, 2023.