BSEB Exam 2023 Board Revised Class 10 Reporting Time Details Here

The Bihar School Examination Board BSEB has made a change to the reporting time for students taking the Class 10 exams. According to an official notification released by BSEB, students must now arrive at the exam center 30 minutes before the start of the exams. This is a change from the previous instructions, which required students to report 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the exam.

The Bihar Board Intermediate Exam 2023 will take place from February 14th to February 22nd, 2023. These exams are an important part of the students' education and the change in reporting time is meant to ensure that students have enough time to settle in and prepare for the exam. By arriving earlier, students will have the chance to familiarize themselves with the exam center and feel more relaxed when the exam begins.
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BSEB Class 10 Reporting Time 2023
Previous Reporting Time
Shift 1
• By 9:20 am
Shift 2
• By 9:20 am
Revised Reporting Time
Shift 1
• By 9 am
Shift 2
• By 1:15 pm
BSEB Matric Exam 2023: Exam Day Guidelines
It's important for students taking the Bihar Board 10th Exams 2023 starting on February 14th, 2023 to remember to bring their Class 10 Admit Card to the exam center. Without the admit card, students will not be allowed to take the exams.
In addition to bringing their admit card, students must also arrive at the exam center at least 30 minutes before the start of the exams. This change in reporting time is meant to give students more time to get comfortable and prepare for the exams. It's important for students to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and successful exam experience.
Notice by BSEB