BSEH HOS Class 12 Result 2021 Announced

The Board of Secondary Education Haryana BSEH has already conducted Haryana Open School HOS Exams 2021 for Class 12 as per the schedule and instruction issued by the board. The students who appeared in the said exams and waiting for the HOS Haryana Board Class 12 Results are now informed that Haryana Board has declared the BSEH HOS Class 12 Result. As per the details shared by the HBSE, the HOS 12th Result 2021 has been declared for 27,569 candidates today. Of the total number of candidates, 19,068 are boys and 8,501 are girls. The results declared today are for the April 2021 fresh category/re-appear/ CTP/ /mercy examinations. BSEH Haryana Open School Class 12 Result 2021 has been announced by the Board President Jagbir Singh. The candidates who were registered for HOS Senior Secondary Board Exams can visit the official website of the board to check their BSEH HOS Result 2021.
You Can Check Online Result From Here:
BSEH HOS Class 12 Result 2021 Announced