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CA Exams Postpond to Delhi High Court 2024


The Delhi High Court is set to examine a petition regarding the rescheduling of the Chartered Accountant (CA) exams, slated for May 2024, on April 8, 2024. Aspirants clamor for a deferment citing potential disruptions posed by the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Previously, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) postponed the CA inter and final exams to May, aligning with the election dates announced by the Election Commission.

However, discontent brews among candidates, urging authorities to further delay the exams to June. The revised schedule retained the CA Foundation Exams on June 20, 22, 24, and 26, 2024 without alterations. Advocates echo the concerns of aspirants, highlighting the challenges posed by election-related chaos, rallies, and potential violence during the polling period.

In response to the mounting pressure, legal representatives like Alakh Alok Srivastava and Anubha Shrivastava Sahai have taken proactive measures by filing petitions and advocating for the students' plight. While some emphasize the importance of focusing on studies, others question the lack of preparation leave granted to students amidst the impending exam dates.

As the hearing looms, aspirants remain hopeful for a favorable decision, urging authorities to prioritize their well-being amidst the prevailing circumstances. Stay tuned for further updates on the CA Exam 2024 Postponement.

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