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HBSE 12th Class Annual Exams Result 2021 Marks


Board of Secondary Education Haryana has issued instructions to all affiliated schools to expedite the preparation process of the HBSE Inter part 2 annual exams result 2021. The schools have already conducted the annual exams of the inter class and now they are instructed to prepare the result for the timely declaration. It is expected that the schools will provide the HBSE 12th Class Annual Exams Result 2021 Marks by 6th July 2021. The participating candidates can visit the official website and they can find the detailed information of their result, which is shared for the information and convenience of the candidates. The chairman of the board has issued instructions that all schools will forward the marks of their students online on the official website of the board from 28 June to 5 July 2021 for the final preparation of the result.

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