IBSAT 2022 Exam Tomorrow December 24 Guidelines Here

The ICFAI Business School is set to administer the IBSAT 2022 Exam tomorrow, on December 24. As is standard, the test will be conducted in a computer-based format. Candidates who are unsure of the guidelines for behavior and conduct in the exam hall are encouraged to review this article carefully. It is important to follow these guidelines in order to ensure a smooth and fair exam experience for all candidates.

The IBSAT 2022 Exam is an important opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, and we encourage all eligible candidates to participate. We wish all candidates the best of luck and hope for their success.
Candidates taking the IBSAT exam must review the exam day instructions and guidelines provided on their admit card. It is also required to bring a valid photo identification card to the exam, or entry will be denied. Candidates can find more information on the important instructions and guidelines for the IBSAT exam here.
Guidelines for the IBSAT 2022 Exam Day
The IBSAT exam is conducted for admission to MBA programs at various branches of the ICFAI Business School (IBS), including IBS Kolkata, IBS Gurgaon, IBS Ahmedabad, IBS Bengaluru, IBS Pune, IBS Jaipur, and IBS Pune. Candidates taking the exam should review the IBSAT exam day instructions and guidelines to ensure a smooth and successful exam experience
• Candidates are required to bring a printout of their IBSAT admit card and a government-approved identification card to the exam center
• Late arrival will not be permitted.
• During the exam, the use of any study materials, watches, mobile phones, or other electronic devices is prohibited.
• Any form of cheating will also not be tolerated.
• Candidates must remain seated at their assigned seats in the exam hall and refrain from unnecessary movement.
• They will not be allowed to leave the exam venue during the interval.
• It is important to follow all COVID-19 safety protocols, including wearing masks, sanitizing hands, and maintaining social distancing