ICAI CA Final and Inter May 2023 Mock Test Series 2 Details

Starting from April 5, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) will hold the Mock Test Papers Series-II for students taking CA Final and Intermediate May exams 2023. The Mock test papers will take place from 2 pm to 5 pm in both virtual and physical modes, according to the official schedule.

ICAI Mock Test Paper Series-II: Important Dates for May 2023 Exams
Below is the table showing the schedule for the mock test paper series for the ICAI CA Final and Intermediate May exams for the candidates to refer to.
ICAI CA Mock Tests 2: May 2023
According to the official schedule, final students can take the ICAI CA Mock Tests Series-II on April 14, 2023, from 2 pm to 6 pm. To appear for the mock tests, candidates must register themselves on the ICAI website before the registration deadline. After registration, candidates can access the question papers for each subject on the BoS Knowledge Portal on ICAI's website at 1:30 pm. It is essential for candidates to download the question papers within the specified time limit to avoid any inconvenience. Admit cards will be issued to candidates after a successful registration.
The Mock Test Papers are a great way to evaluate one's preparation level for the upcoming CA Final and Intermediate May exams 2023. It is important to take these tests seriously and attempt them with the same seriousness as the final exams. These papers help students identify their weak areas and work on them to improve their overall performance.
ICAI will upload the answer keys for these papers within 48 hours of the commencement of the respective examination. Candidates can analyze their performance using the answer keys and make necessary improvements before the final exams.