ICSI CS Executive Exam 2022: Registration Started for December Session
ICSI CS Executive Exam 2022 Application Started : ICSI has begun the process of registration for ICSI CS Executive Exam 2022 For December Session. Interested Candidates can visit their official website for application and more assistance, make sure to visit their official website.
ICSI CS Executive Exam 2022
ICSI CS Executive Exam 2022 Application has started: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has begun the CS exam 2022 Registration Process from today. Dated 27th of August 2022. Eligible Candidates Can register for ICSI CS Executive Exam Dec 2022 by applying online on their official website, i.e. : smash.icsi.edu.
CS Executive Exam 2022 - Important Dates
ICSI has Started the Online Registration process for eligible students. Students are encouraged to apply for registration for ICSI CS Executive Exam December 2022 with normal fee. Afterwards, Candidates will have to pay a penalty fee until 10th of October. Subsequently, the institute will begin enrollment services allowing changes in selection exam centers and module from 11th of October to 20th of November 2022.
How to Register for ICSI CS Executive Exam 2022 online?
In Order to apply in convenient way for ICSI CS Executive Exam 2022. Candidates will be required to enroll themselves on their official website. - smash.icsi.edu. After reaching the official website, candidates will have to click on the link for Online Services provided in the top menu. From the drop-down menu, candidates need to find and click on 'Register for CS courses' link. After going through all the instructions, candidates are required to click on the proceed button and fill-in the provided application form with requisite details. After filling the form, upload supporting documents and details as required and pay the examination fee as notified on the portal. In the final step, submit the form on the website and download the confirmation page for future reference.