JKBOSE Exam 2023 Music Exam Dates Revised Details Here

The JKBOSE (Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education) has modified the board exam date for the Class 10th Music subject. As per the latest information, the Music exam, which was previously planned for March 25, 2023, will now take place on March 26, 2023.

As per the official announcement, the examination for subjects such as Mathematics, Painting, Art and Drawing will still be held on the previously scheduled date, March 25, 2023.
JKBOSE Class 10 Date Sheet 2023
JKBOSE Class 10 Board Exam 2023
The official notice suggests that candidates should carefully go through all the relevant details mentioned on their Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 10 Board Exam Admit Card. Furthermore, it is highly recommended that candidates refrain from bringing any unauthorized materials, including electronic devices such as mobile phones or headphones, with them to the exam centre.