NIOS Class 10th 12th Result And Evaluation Criteria 2021

The National Institute of Open Schooling NIOS has announced the Class 10th Evaluation Criteria and Class 12th Evaluation Criteria for the NIOS Exams 2021 Result. As per orders of the Supreme Court the NIOS Class 10th Result 2021 and NIOS Class 12th Result 2021 will be declared on 31st July 2021. According to the Controller of Examinations NIOS, the candidates who have appeared in the Exams can check their NIOS SSC Exams Result 2021 and NIOS Inter Exams Result 2021 online on the official website of NIOS by entering their enrollment number in the given search box. According to NIOS Class 10th and 12th Evaluation Criteria the Result will be prepared on basis of the previous class marks and Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA). Based on this formula, NIOS 10th, 12th result 2021 will be declared by NIOS as per the order of the Supreme Court.