PSEB Class XII Exams & Training Date Sheet 2020

Punjab School Education Board has completed the process of receipt of the admission forms from the interested candidates, who want to appear in the PSEB intermediate class annual exams 2020 and training. The candidates have received their PSEB Class XII Annual Exams & Training Date Sheet 2020. The exams department of PSEB manages the PSEB Inter class annual exams 2020 for the compartment, re-appear, extra subject, rank / performance and full subject students. the students will note that the papers will be held from 18 April 2020 to 23 April 2020 and the students will attend the on job training of three months from 01st April 2020 to 30th June 2020 and the timings of all papers are mentionedĀ against each subjects. The candidates will also visit the official website of Punjab Board to confirm the date and time of all papers exams and training, which are shared online and for the information of the students. PSEB 12th class annual exams time table 2020 is shared online and theĀ students are asked to get the PSEB class 12 practical exams routine 2020 downloaded from online with the latest updates, which are added for the information and facility of the students.
The Students can check their date sheet here.
PSEB class 12 practical exams routine 2020
PSEB Class XII Exams & Training Date Sheet 2020