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WB Schools Offline Classes Reopening 2021


The schools and colleges located in West Bengal state were closed after spreading of the coronavirus pandemic across the state and now the state government has made the decision regarding their reopening of the schools and colleges and resumes the offline classes. The candidates can know about WB Schools Offline classes Reopening 2021 and the classes will be managed on the alternate days. The state government has also clarified that the number of classes will be increased and the safety and precautionary measures will be adopted in the schools and colleges to protect the students from this pandemic.

West Bengal state government will resume the schools, college and universities and the coaching centers along with other educational institutes and after analyzing the situation and considering the health of the students, the schools will be reopened and the classes will be started in offline mode. It is also decided that the students of the higher classes will attend the offline classes and the academic activities will be started in the educational institutes regularly.

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