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West Bengal State School Reopening due to Covid


The West Bengal State has recently decided to reopen the educational institutions across the state. But the decision of the state to allow the schools to resume the classes has been challenged and a PIL has been filed against the decision. The PIL quoted the decision of state unscientific.

It is demanded to form an expert committee before the reopening of schools, saying that the committee should review the COVID-19 situation in the state and make recommendations to the government to take suitable precautionary measures.

Compared to schools across the country, West Bengal schools were the few in the country that got open permission to reopen schools. Petitioners have stated that students under the age of 18 have not been vaccinated and therefore conducting offline classes is not a wise decision for them as it may increase the spread of the virus.

The PIL also said that after the formation of the committee of experts, it was important for the government to act on the recommendations and only then make a decision on reopening the schools.

The decision of the state government to reopen schools for 9th to 12th class students was announced by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education on October 29, 2021. The state government issued an official announcement to follow the COVID-19 SOPs.

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